Air Fire Water Earth



The Artist Archetype

by Angela Raincatcher, 2020

The Warrior Poet

The Warrior Poet

Audre Lorde (1934 - 1992)
Black, Lesbian, Mother, Warrior, Poet

by Angela Raincatcher

The Writer

The Writer

Toni Morrison (1931-2019)
The 1993 Nobel Prize in Literature

by Angela Raincatcher



Mystics pursue a reunion with source.

Mystics tend to journey straight up the middle pillar of the Tree of Life, experiencing the horizontal paths like speed bumps.

  • Malkuth: Experience the joy of the natural world
  • Yesod: Experience our own ego as sublimated to a higher plane of existence
  • Tiphareth: Discern the presence of divine light within yet separate from nature and self
  • Kether: Filled with the divine as the sunlight penetrates the air

And in between each of the stages, we experience a dark night of the soul that causes us to question all that we gained in the previous stage. And we lose for a time, the joy, the higher plane and the divine light ... only to awaken to an experience that shakes us to our very core.

And at every stage, we struggle to find the words, the images, the melodies that can help us to orient our everyday life experiences into this expanded awareness.

by Katrina Messenger




  • Power: Vision, Bring what is seen in the ether into the manifest
  • Variations: Creatrix, Painter, Sculptor, Poet, Print-maker, Designer, Writer, Composer, Singer, Craftsman, Choreographer, Seamstress, Fashion Designer, etc.
  • Meditation: Manifesting your dreams and desires

    by Katrina Messenger

  • Upcoming Events

    • Seekers
      09/14/2024 - 11:00am
      Two Rivers Sanctuary
    • Full Moon
      09/17/2024 - 7:00pm
      Two Rivers Sanctuary
    • Celestial: Fall
      09/21/2024 - 12:30pm
      Two Rivers Sanctuary
    • Mabon
      09/22/2024 - 12:00pm
      Two Rivers Sanctuary
    • Seekers
      10/12/2024 - 11:00am
      Two Rivers Sanctuary
    • OEM
      10/13/2024 - 10:00am
      Two Rivers Sanctuary
    • Full Moon
      10/17/2024 - 7:00pm
      Two Rivers Sanctuary
    • Planning
      10/20/2024 - 1:00pm
      Two Rivers Sanctuary